Read all the details on The Pros and Cons of Getting Married Early.
Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog. I am writing about The Pros and Cons of Getting Married Early. I was going to make a Youtube video on this but thought it would be a better read. Our first wedding anniversary was a few days ago and I have to say our first year of marriage was truly amazing!
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So, Lawrence and I got married last year on September 27, 2019. I was 22 and Lawrence was 23. There are definitely a lot of people who have gotten married much younger but society now has changed that norm. People are getting married much later so when I told everyone I got engaged, I got a lot of mixed reactions. Lawrence and I’s family didn’t react too much because by that time we were going on 6 years of dating.
A lot of other people (friends, coworkers, etc.) were surprised but delighted! I only got one or two people telling me (to my face) that it was a bad idea but I didn’t react to it as negative people don’t really affect me. I just try to remove myself from these situations or re-route the conversation to a different topic.
Continue reading The Pros and Cons of Getting Married Early.
We started dating while still in high school but we both attended different schools and met through our part-time job at McDonald’s! We graduated high school, then took 2 years off. He was working and I was working plus doing some courses here and there. Then we both enrolled and got into post-secondary during the fall of 2016. We graduated in the summer of 2018 and found jobs in our field soon after. We moved in together during the fall of 2018 and got engaged in March 2019! See my tips for moving in with your significant other here.
Our engagement was short because I wanted a specific wedding date but I’m so happy we got married last year because of how 2020 rolled out! Since then, we’ve just been manifesting an amazing life and it’s only been more incredible as the days go by!
Our story still seems unreal but we worked on us throughout our relationship and made compromises to have a successful relationship. My parents have been together for over 25 years now and their marriage inspires me. I knew that marriage was going to be work but I just knew, you know? If it was only up to Lawrence we’d get married when we were over 30 years old but I told him if that’s how he felt, what’s the difference in wanting to do it earlier? Being married is just a title to Lawrence and many people but for me, it’s much more than that. I’m lucky that Lawrence proposed early instead of making me wait another 8 years!
Here is a shortlist of Pros and Cons of Getting Married Early:
- I’m still a sucker in believing in the one. When you know, you know and when you know, why wait? It makes me so excited to think that we have so many years being married ahead of us!
- Although having your own experience is so so important when going into a relationship, experiencing things together is so much more meaningful! When Lawrence and I try something new like travelling, I feel much safer and open knowing I’m with my husband. We’ve taken classes together, travelled together, figured our living and finances together so there are no secrets in our relationship which makes me super comfortable.
- People change, it’s inevitable. Although I do feel like people never change their core being, we evolve every day and being so young and making a big decision is very scary and risky!
2. Marriage does tie you down. I honestly used to be a loose cannon, ask anyone haha! So, if you don’t want to care and think about someone else with a lot of your decisions, refrain from getting married early as marriage is a two-way relationship and requires lots of communication. You’ve got to be willing to understand each other’s needs and listen before making decisions and judgements.
It’s not gonna work if you’re not willing to put in that effort. I would say that I’m blessed that Lawrence doesn’t mind me being a motivated crazy person and that I’ll forever be running around like a maniac that has FOMO but he’s kept me in line and more focused on what I’m passionate about and that’s what a partner should be! 100% supportive.
As always, I love my husband so much and I’m so happy that our life is coming together. He is my rock and my #1 supporter and I’ll never be able to truly share how blessed I am.
These are my opinions and I’d love to hear yours too! Comment below on what you think are the pros and cons of getting married early. Thank you so much for reading and I’ll catch you soon!

This blog post is all about The Pros and Cons of Getting Married Early.
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This is such a personal and honest article. People will have differing opinions about such a huge decision but what matters is your choice. Thank you for sharing!
Agreed! Thank you so much for reading, Monique! x
Thanks you for this post. With my experience, I realize there are truly pros and cons for everything and you gotta make choices best for you. The second thing I learned about like is that someone will always, and I mean ALWAYS have something to say about your choices. Again, do what you think is best. Marriage early was best for you too. You have the energy, tenacity, and love for each other to handle anything that comes up. I’m glad you shut out the noise and did a wonderful step for you two.
– Teri
Aw, thank you so much for your comment, Teri! You are the sweetest! xx