Read more for all the details on 3 Important Reasons Why I Keep My Phone On DND.
What a busy month of content! It’s been go go go over here and I am learning so much about blogging everyday. One thing I love about blogging is the fact that I’m always learning something new and bettering myself. I love the challenge it brings me not to say I don’t have any frustrations but it’s exhilarating to see me successful in my goals everyday.
If you’ve been following me for a few months, you know that my true love and passion is home decor, DIY, and recipes and that’s about 80% of my content while the last 20% is holidays/gifts, every life and relationships.
We’re taking a little refreshing break and just chatting about my recent decision to my keep my phone on Do Not Disturb.
CONTINUE READING 3 Important Reasons Why I Keep My Phone On DND.
I know that pretty much every blogger advises new bloggers to not switch from niche to niche but my goal is to make my blogging life sustainable and I just can’t fully stay in one niche! I love life and I write from the heart.
I was laid off from my full-time position last August so I’m basically a full-time blogger at the moment. Aside from a few collaborations, I have not fully monetize my blog but I’m getting there!

As anyone who has or plans to monetize their blog, knows how much self-promotion plays into this world. We are constantly promoting our affiliate links, blog posts, videos, resources and ourselves as the brand. We are looking at trends and trying to be on top of it and research lots of upcoming trends as well. We look for literally any opportunity to get a shout out or to promote whatever links we have!
That’s part of the job. It’s part of what we sign up for. Now, I love social media. I went to post secondary for marketing and have always love content creating. I love engagement and getting to know people around the world. How could I afford to keep my phone on Do Not Disturb?
HERE are 3 Important Reasons Why I Keep My Phone On DND:
Avoid Notifications
I can’t be the only one who thinks that notifications are overwhelming. Seeing my phone constantly light up for all my different apps make me feel anxious. I’m a blogger who utilizes all apps too. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok, Pinterest,, Clubhouse + all my editing and supplemental apps. Especially on content launches, it is just too much! It’s extremely nice to sometimes forget all about about my notifications.
Be more productive
Even though, social media is part of the job, I always believe in creating over consuming. Some days it can definitely be the other way around especially on rest days but we all know how easy it is to hop on an app for “10 mins” and easily end up being on for 2 hours! With your phone on DND, you’re more able to check off things in your notebook and move on to the next without distractions!
Not feel the pressure of responding quickly
Are you a people pleaser like I was? If you are/were, you know how much we love getting back to people ASAP. I love engagement and I love getting to know people. I found that I always responded as soon as I saw a notification but then as I was responding to the first message, I get another one then I’d respond to that and the cycle would continue. If I didn’t respond as soon as I saw it, I’d feel a little guilty because it felt like I was ignoring people. Of course, this part of me took time to work on but having my phone on DND definitely helped fight the urge.
CONTINUE READING 3 Important Reasons Why I Keep My Phone On DND.
So, just to clarify, I’m not saying I don’t check my phone a billion times a day but I just put boundaries on it. I am able to take my time and finish my to-do list before I indulge in reading my notifications.
It is so important to set these boundaries to ensure that you don’t get burned out too quickly and don’t reply out of guilt. Networking in the blogging community and on social media is such a blessing! We’re able to do everything online, we can find friends from all other the world and constantly have support on our creative work. You never want to feel as if it’s a chore or a job that you despise.
This blog post is all the details on 3 Important Reasons Why I Keep My Phone On DND.
P.S: If you haven’t read my most recent post, click here!

What an insightful post! For me, I like to check for notifications frequently because I like to keep on top of things and not have to respond to a ton of messages at the same time. But that’s just me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Yes! I totally see that. I used to be like that too 🙂 Thanks for reading x
Great idea! Thank you for sharing this! I totally understand these points and there are certain apps that I turn off notifications because I can get too distracted by them! I think this is a really good way to be more productive and I definitely want to do this sometimes when I need to get stuff done.
Totally! Thank you for reading x
I completely feel you on the niche part, I tend to write what come to my mind and what interests me at the time! I also keep my phone on DND and I love it, I find the notifs really overwhelming and distracting. I’m also like yourself and feel guilty for not replying quick enough though but trying to get better at that! Great post!
Yes! I get super distracted when my phone continuously lights up. Thank you for reading xx
Those are great reasons for keeping your phone on DND. I personally get paranoid if I can’t hear my phone but I think that’s cause I’m a mom lol
Yes! I can see that. I’m not a mom yet so I’m not sure how I’ll feel then! It’ll be interesting to see how my views change! x
I love this idea! I feel like because I’m home & blogging people just see it as I’m readily available all day, and that is not the case at all. i purposefully delay replies because i want people to get out of the habit of getting quick replies from me. i guess i can be a people pleaser at times.
I totally understand this! I am a people pleaser too. I like that you delay replies. That’s a great habit to get into! Thanks for reading, Bee xx
Great post, very insightful. I generally only do DND during the night as my phone is charging next to my bed and it makes quite some noise (even on vibrate). Often during the day I will either leave my phone somewhere else in the house or I flip it over so I can’t see the notifications if I feel like I will get easily distracted that day.
Yup! That’s how I started too. I did it at night! Haha I understand. I’m big on losing my phone too so I understand! Thanks for reading x
These are helpful tips. I’ve changed the settings on my phone so that I don’t get certain app notifications at particular times. It can be so tempting to quickly check them and then an hour later, your still there and haven’t achieved anything.
Agreed! Thanks for reading, Kelly x
I always find that when I turn my notifications off or put my phone on the other side of room, it definitely does help me to be more productive! A great post x
Lucy |
Thanks for commenting, Lucy! x
Same with me on all the reasons I keep my phone on DND (although I’m not a monetized blog so probably don’t get as many notifications as some). I find that I get drawn into looking at my phone all too much — fab post!
Yes! I’m easily distracted when I see my phone light up! Thanks so much, Molly x
Do Not Disturb is key for me, particularly in the evenings. Having that phone free time is critical to my peace and productivity.
Thank you for sharing! A detox always sounds a bit extreme to me, but putting your phone on DND actually sounds like a good way to not deal with it too much. I only do this in the bath now, but I might try it more often!
Yeah, I couldn’t do a detox unless I had to like if I was going camping in a remote area. Thanks for reading xx
Really liked reading this, dnd sounds like a good idea
Thanks so much! x
Love this! setting digital boundaries is so important! I’ve started leaving my phone in another room when I’m not using it and that’s helped me a lot
Ooh! That’s a great idea! Especially if you’re doing tasks around the house. Thanks so much! x
This is a really intreating post with some good ideas. It can be so hard to find a balance in checking your phone, stats etc. to run your blog and socials successful but also giving yourself room to breath.
Thanks for reading! x
Hi Lynn. DND is a bit too all-encompassing for me – while I’m working from home I need to be contactable. That said, the volume of notifications that I get is pretty small so perhaps I’d have to re-evaluate if that changed 🙂
I can totally see that. Thanks for commenting! x
This is so important to share! I’m constantly on my phone and if I see a notification pop up, I’ll reply really quickly and it’s a terrible habit. You’ve made some great points x
Thanks for reading, Della x
Love this! I’m definitely learning to stop relying on my phone as much. I’ve upped my screen-time limits recently so all social media turns off at 7:30pm. We can become so bloody reliant on our phones!
Ooh! That’s a great idea. Setting a certain time to be off social media. Thanks for commenting xx
Great post! When I was younger I felt the need to respond as soon as I got a message- now I wait until it is convenient for me and I’ve realised that no-one minds! Thanks for sharing these positives of keeping your phone on do not disturb x
I totally understand this! Thanks so much for reading x
Great post! I never even take my phone off silent, I hate feeling tied to it. I also have my notifications off for 90% of my apps because I feel less pressured that way.
It really does help x x
Ooh! I’ve tried this but I end up forgetting about the app altogether haha Thanks for reading x
Loved reading this! I was one of those that as soon as receiving a text or comment I felt the need to answer straight away, btu as you said form one comments or texts, they become multiple and end up not doing anything. I keep now my phone and laptop on DND which helps a lot while writing! x
Aahh I love this post ? i am always on my phone checking socials despite not having any notifications showing from any of them! LOL!
I definitely need to get out of this habit & get shit done quicker! Haha! Xo
Haha! I’m with ya! Thank you for reading, Sarah x
Thank you so much for reading, Cristina! x
YESSS I am exactly the same as you!! I have zero notifications and my phone is always on DND! I just never want my phone to be buzzing constantly and bothering me. It makes my life so much happier knowing that I can choose to look at my phone but not because I’m being constantly interrupted
Aw, glad I’m not alone! Thank you for reading, Rosie x
This is really good advice. I try to limit checking my notifications to certain times of the day and have the alerts turned off on my phone so that I’m not distracted. It can definitely become overwhelming otherwise! – Jen
Thank you so much for reading, Jen! Could you leave me your link to return a comment back? xx
Notifications can definitely be overwhelming. I tried this but found that I fall massively behind and forget to check certain apps if I have DND on. I use the Forest app for a few hours a day when I need to be productive without distractions and find that works much better for me x
Interesting! I’ll check this out. Thank you for commenting x
This is so relatable, and absolutely me! I used to let all the notifications go off, including sounds, and it was so annoying. Now when I’m trying to work I have it all silenced and I flip my phone over so I don’t see the screen. I do find having things less visible also tends to make me forget to reply when I’m ‘allowed’ to, but that just means it’s not that important.
Interesting! Thanks so much for reading x
I can totally relate to this post. My phone is forever lighting up with various notifications and it can be extremely distracting. I need to take a leaf out of your book and start limiting notifications or make use of DND more often. Thanks for inspiring me x
Thanks so much for commenting, Jaclyn x
I don’t see what the problem is with having multiple niches because it’s your blog & you should be able to write about whatever you want!
I pretty much turned off all my notifications except for Twitter DMs & Facebook messagenger. All the notifcations are overwhelming & I would rather respond to them on my time.
agree with writing about whatever you want! For me, I feel like having a niche helps A LOT because I feel too disorganized when I have a lot of choices and I end up being unproductive haha Thank you for reading x
I find myself so distracted by my phone some days. I really need to put it on DND more often.
Thank you for reading x
Another great post Lynn!
The notifications on my phone drive me nutty. You’re absolutely right, they are a huge distraction. I’ve recently turned most of them off. Now I just check them when I want to, not when they are dinging at me. It much more pleasant!
Thanks for sharing your insights!
Totally! Thank you for commenting, Tiffany x
I 100% agree with putting up the barriers for our own sanity! I seriously need to take a note down about trying not to feel the pressure of responding right away. All the feels here. I am going to try this, great post. It is a good reminder to implement some technology self-care.
Thanks so much fore reading! x
Interesting blog post to read! When I first started blogging, not that long ago, I felt so guilty when I didn’t respond ASAP or felt awful when I missed a notification. I’ve learnt that it’s fine when you respond later in the day when you have time. I designate time to respond and have my phone on silent now while I work and also out of my line of vision. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! ?
I’m with ya! Thanks so much for reading x
I am pretty much the same when it comes to keeping my phone on DND. I pretty much muted my notification from all social media. If people need me, they can text me or something lol. So big on productivity – notification can be a huge distraction, especially during working hours. Next thing you know, 20 minutes have been wasted! Thanks for sharing all of these points!
Nancy ✨
Yes! I 100% agree. Thank you so much for reading x
Thanks for this tips!!
I´ll keep my phone on dnd too!!
Thanks for reading x
I think I need to take your advice and start doing this, as my blog and my social media grows I am constantly getting notifications and it does get overwhelming. Thank you for sharing this.
Glad you enjoyed this! Thanks for commenting x
Very interesting post! Thanks for sharing.
Infinitely Posh
Thank you for reading! x
These are some great reasons why you choose to keep your phone on dnd. I think I probably would be a bit more productive if I did that. Thank you for sharing. Lauren.
Thanks for reading Lauren x
I also started and like blogging because when I wrote new post I always learn something new. When I writing new posts, learning or doing something new I never have my phone next to me. I start practicing that when I was at college and it help me a lot.
New Post –
Interesting! I bet it helped a lot in college! Thanks for reading x
Agreed with all of these! I’ve turned off notifications from all social media completely so I don’t see notifications unless I open the app. It’s been this way for about 4 years and I can’t imagine going back to getting notifications.
Thanks so much for commenting! xx
Excellent way to live. I think notifications are the single biggest detriment to writing, relationships and life in general. They suck the present from our mind and take the storylines from our writing. And that is before we even talk about mental health. Keep it up.
Totally! Thank you for reading 🙂
Amazing post! I changed my notification settings so everything’s silent, other than when my mom calls me haha. I know the pressure to text back quickly, so this is a great way to combat it. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for reading Sejal! x
omg I’m the same, I have to justify myself to people and explain why I never hear my phone. In my case I got a work phone that needs to be connected at all times as i’m almost always on call.
Ana C,
Totally! I get it, I’m on so many calls for work too. Thank you for reading x
I always put my phone in ‘silent mode’ so it won’t disturb me lol I’m trying so hard to be productive so I use an app to keep in track how often I use my phone in a day and it helps me so much 😀 Thank you for sharing this Lynn x
Oh, that’s awesome! I’m obsessed with my phone Lol Thanks for commenting, Merry x
GREAT post! Boundaries are so important when we need/want to accomplish things. I’ll even set a timer, so I don’t overcheck my silent phone…lol! Stay focused. ?
100% agree! I set timers too on the daily! Thank you for reading x
I am exactly the same! It does my head in and makes me so anxious when my phone is constantly going off. Phone calls from numbers I don’t know or recognise make my anxiety crazy! Siobhan ♡ | Vegan Babe Life
Yes! I agree. When I get a call, I’m frantically trying to google if its spam haha x
Phones are great to help us stay connected but they are definitely distracting and high time suckers! DND is a beautiful thing.
Agreed! I love my phone and the power of knowledge at my fingertips but I also need quiet time and no distractions. Thanks for reading, Michelle!
Such good reasons to keep your phone on DND. I’ve always kept my phone on silent (a habit from school) and I hate the noise it makes now. Keeping it silent means I’m not distracted during the working day!
Katie May |
Me too! The sound notifications makes drives me bonkers. Thank you for commenting, Katie May! x
I love this, I’m horrendous for not having boundaries. I’m going to test myself and put my phone on dnd for a week and see how it helps me!
How great! I hope this helps a lot. It was a game changer for me! xx
Yes! All of this! My coworkers had a hard time understanding why I keep my phone on DND, and it is because of all the anxiousness I feel when I see 20 texts (nope, not a typo) light up my phone from them at once. Such great points in your post!
Totally! I’m a people pleaser too so I feel the need to answer promptly. Thanks for reading, Jessica!x
Keeping my phone on DND is something I know I should do but fail to. I also thing I can still be productive and focused but with all of the notifications that come in, I really can’t. You’ve reestablished in my mind with your post that I should just put my phone on DND and take note of how much more productive and better I feel when I do this!
Wow, thank you so much! I hope it goes well xx
I am the same when it comes to notifications! They are so overwhelming. Like you I use many social media apps to help promote the blog and it does get too much.
I also feel a lot of pressure to respond to people instantly. Thank you for sharing.
Yes! This is why I started putting my phone on DND and it literally changed my life! Thank you for reading, Jodie x
Great post, makes total sense but I’d get a anxious about missing a call from family in an emergency or something ??
Yes! I feel that way too but I do check quite frequently 🙂 Thank you for reading x
Lynn, is it possible that I’m the only one on here who didn’t know of the DND feature? ???
Thanks once again for bringing something new to my attention.
Oh no! It is a game changer! I find myself lost in work than in social media platforms (in a good way)! Thank you for reading xx
I love this, it’s great! I have my notifications off most of the time to help with productivity! Great post 🙂 Love Amy at xx
Thank you my love! It really helps me 🙂
Nice ! I appreciate your thoughts and insights:) ??❤ good work
Thanks so much for commenting! xx
I love this, I check for notifications very often ?
Thanks for sharing
Me too! Not a bad thing but I’ve been super focused on creating > consuming xx
I have been trying recently to put my phone down and do other things like reading or drawing and when I do I always feel better xx
Yes! Taking breaks is an amazing thing! Thank you for commenting, Aaliyah xx
I do not have a phone so this has never been an issue for me, but I know that I want to constantly check everything when I am online. Scrolling takes unnecessary time and is not very fulfilling so resisting is a big help to productivity!
Thanks for sharing this healthy practice!
How interesting! I could never imagine not having a phone. Thanks for reading, Jaya x
Such a great post! Leaving your phone on DND helps so much with productivity. It can be so difficult to focus on something when you’re constantly getting notifications. Thanks for sharing!
Totally! Thank you for commenting, Paige x
I very much agree on these reasons! Keeping my phone on DND helps me to not feel so overwhelmed and focus on my work.
Totally! I love this feature x
I absolutely agree with you!! I do that too to enjoy the real stuff in life.
Thanks so much for reading x
Loved this post! I keep my phone on DND at night but never thought about during the day! I typically put it face down but then I’m constantly picking it up to check still. I think DND would be amazing bc the sense of the phone is still there, you just don’t see it going off every two seconds. Loved the post, thanks for sharing!
Totally! I love having it on DND. I get lost in my thoughts and forget about my phone way better. Thanks for reading x
I don’t know how I ever lived without DND, it keeps me present and not constantly looking at notifications!
Totally! It’s a must for me! Thank you for reading xx
I love this! These are very good reasons how to add a do not disturb to our phone. We can’t possibly be expected to constantly be on our phones 24/7. We can’t keep checking those annoying notifications every five minutes.
How often do you keep the DND on your phone?
Thanks for reading, Helen! I definitely put my phone on DND for the majority of the day but I like putting alarms sometimes so I’ll hear those and won’t miss any important calls! xx
Now that i have the baby, my phone is always in dnd mode, because id hate for it to go off and wake up my kid. I’ve noticed I’m so much more present and productive without all the notifications coming in.
I could totally see this! Thanks so much for reading, Didi! xx
Love this – our phones can easily be so distracting and sometimes we don’t realize how much time they suck! I love putting my phone on DND, I also have recently gotten in the habit of leaving it out of my office – less tempting to look! Thanks for sharing this awesome post!
Totally! I need this or I’d be turning to my phone all the time! Thanks for reading, Alex xx
I absolutely do this too!! I can’t get anything done otherwise! Too many sounds for me; I have issues getting distracted sometimes and my phone going off every minute doesn’t help.. 🙂
Exactly! When I feel like I need a productive few hours, I put my phone on DND and it works like a charm! I get so much work done haha. Thank you for reading, Andrea xx
Yesss! I’ve been keeping my phone on DND for years and I do not regret anything.
Right!! It’s so awesome to have that peace of mind. Thanks for reading, Anda xx
I do this too! I prefer to check my phone on my own terms and not anyone’s else’s haha. My friends always ask what if I miss a call. Well I’ll call them back!