Read more for all the details on Mothers Day Gifts Quarantine Edition.
I was online shopping for candles and it just dawned on me that Mother’s Day is coming up! Sadly, for those of us who don’t live with our moms, we won’t be celebrating this year with them but we can still get them something special!
I live a few cities over from my mom so I’ll be dropping by to bring some treats but I won’t be able to stay and hang out with her.
In previous years, we have gotten massages, manis/pedis and some yummy food. My mom is always tough to get presents for because she is a woman who is easily happy with little! One of the things I love about her too.
I didn’t want to create a super long list but I thought that adding a few things that I love to gift wouldn’t hurt! I love creating gift guides but this one wasn’t planned and a little last minute.
What are you doing for your mom this year? Is your mom hard to get gifts for as well? I’d love to know in the comments below!
Here is a shortlist of the most perfect Mothers Day Gifts Quarantine Edition:
Gift cards

I know what you’re thinking .. super impersonal but at this time this might be the most personal thing you can give her! So many businesses are unfortunately unable to keep their doors open and to continue to support smaller-medium businesses especially the ones that mom love is an amazing thing to do!
Cooking appliances

Who else is cooking up a storm in their kitchen? I know I am! Non-stop cooking and baking in my household and I know my mom is too! There are some really cool things off amazon that you can get that will make cooking/kitchen tasks easier! Sadly, shipping is taking longer but what I’ve done in the past is put the print out of the item in a card and put the shipping address to the person receiving the gift. My mom loves new kitchen appliances so I always get really excited when I find something that I think she will like.
Here are my favourites:
Continue reading all the details on Mothers Day Gifts Quarantine Edition.

Yup, I’ve got daytime PJs (corporate PJs mon-fri) and nighttime PJs. Loungewear is essential right now and although we’re trying to put a halt on non-essential shopping, if you’re doing groceries, you can stop by the PJs section of Walmart or whatever grocery store and pick up a cute pair!
Here are my favourites:
Virtual slideshow of fun memories

Gather a bunch of old photos and put them in a 5-minute slideshow with a cute song for your mom. Such a sweet and uplifting gesture! Just a reminder that you’ll be able to create more family memories in the future once the pandemic lifts. I would love to visit the Philippines with my parents again!
Continue reading all the details on Mothers Day Gifts Quarantine Edition.
Social distancing “date” and flowers

Bring some lawn chairs, some snacks from a local vendor, a small bouquet of seasonal flowers and set up a picnic in your front lawn! Make sure that you are at least 6 ft apart and you can enjoy each other’s company for an hour.
Love all you mama’s out there and thank you for the continued sacrifices! I hope that with whatever you get to do makes it a perfect day.
This blog post is all the details on Mothers Day Gifts Quarantine Edition.
P.S: If you haven’t read my most recent post, click here!

[…] P.S: If you haven’t read my most recent post, click here! […]