Read more for all the details on 50 things to do at home.
Happy Wednesday!
Is it just me or do the days feel like a blur now? I’ve been working from home for about a week now but I actually enjoy working from home! At home, I get to wear comfy clothing (not PJs because they just make me want to sleep all day) instead of dress pants and a blazer, heat my food up on the stove (microwaves do not suffice for me) and make as many coffees as I want to my liking (not office coffee) and do some productive things on my lunch break. (tidy up, do dishes, fold laundry, stretching)
I do of course miss interacting with my coworkers but for now, I’m loving it! I also like that being at home makes me have so much more time to start the projects I’ve been putting off. Watch out guys, I’m coming out of social distancing uber talented!
What are some of your favorite things to do at home?
PIN 50 things to do at home FOR LATER:
I’ve never really been a routine type person, I’ve tried in the past but I like being free and not having my days structured! But for some people, routines are what keeps them going and I respect that. Do what makes you happy <3
Let’s get started with my 50 things to do at home post!
Here are 50 things to do at home:
Baking something yummy
cupcakes, banana bread, cake, foccacia
Sewing new things or old rips and holes
loving watercolours at the moment!
Learn a new instrument on hand or get better with the one you already know
Learn dances
Tiktoks for quick ones and Youtube for longer ones
Organize your closet
spring Wardrobe clean
Organize your pantry
and make cute signs and labels
At-home workouts
so many resources out there!
Window shop or real shop
if you have room to indulge
Start a series
books or shows
Rewatch your favourite movies
guilty of rewatching 50 First Dates like 5 times this year now
Draw random things from your house
if you’ve got a machine or you can plug up Youtube on the TV
sooo many good reads out there
Take online classes
been doing Google Academy again and
Create a fun photoshoot
and Photoshop the hell out of it
write some fun posts, like I am right now
start a silly Youtube channel for fun
Bullet journal
get creative and organize your thoughts
Clean your laptop files
I know I can’t be the only one guilty of saving everything to downloads!
Go for a run
weather/temperature outside is getting better
Find a new game
on your phone or for your console
Have a bubble bath
light some candles and have some wine
Write a novel
get your inner Nancy Drew out
Start crafting
quotes on wood slabs, make a phone case, macrame
Take care of your garden
we must remember it is Spring!
Have a spa day
mani, pedi, cucumber eye patches
Facetime with friends/family
check-in and see how they’re doing
Make a bucket list
to follow once social distancing/quarantine is done
this is a weird moment in life where it’s actually super quiet outside
Turn your hobbies into money-making ideas
then … Number #32
CONTINUE FOR ALL THE DETAILS ON 50 things to do at home.
Put together a business/marketing plan
make your passions into a viable business
Cook something you’ve never cooked before
or do a challenge with only what you have in your pantry
Clean your stove/oven
Use your panic bought cleaning products!
Decorate your walls
print out some cute quotes or try learning calligraphy
Write letters to yourself and loved ones
maybe some fun ones to open when the pandemic has passed
Rewatch some sports games
I’ve been rewatching some Canucks games on the sport channel, lots of old games are being aired right now
Prepare high tea
cute sandwiches, pastries, cookies and yummy tea!
Have a fancy dinner within your household
get dressed up, have a photoshoot in your backyard or living room and prepare a steak dinner
Take a walk
you can totally do this as long as you follow the 6 feet guidelines with anyone else walking not from your household
Have a talent show
especially fun if you have a big family! you can even do an online talent show and record a skit and have people judge it haha
CONTINUE FOR ALL THE DETAILS ON 50 things to do at home.
Learn how to do things from Youtube
Youtube is such an amazing tool for EVERYTHING at your fingertips
Watch inspiring TED talks
Learn cool tricks with your technology in the house
learn how to use your camera, find hidden tools on your laptop/phone
Make food/paper/craft supplies clothing
make it a contest and have people online, judge!
Have a crazy fashion show
put together looks that you’d never wear in public
Create a cookbook
write down yummy recipes and put it together
Revamp your wardrobe and alter the clothes you already have
I’m learning to make scrunchies out of old material
Bedazzle an old pair of shoes or bleach your white shoes
so they’re white again
Celebrate a fake holiday
and go all out! Decorate your house, make food with the theme
Hope you enjoyed my post on 50 things to do at home! Stay safe everyone.
This blog post is all the details on 50 things to do at home.
P.S: If you haven’t read my most recent post, click here!
PIN 50 things to do at home FOR LATER:

[…] P.S: If you haven’t read my most recent post, click here! […]