Read more for all the details on 5+ Spring to Summer Cleaning Must Do’s.
I feel like my weekends have been filled with a whole lot of cleaning and home refreshing lately!
The sun is out and it’s been really nice to give the house a good clean and prep for a nice relaxing summer. I find summer more of my lazy time during the year as it’s too hot to really do much and I love going out for lake days.
If you know me at all, you’d love that I am a terrible cleaner and I’m often disorganized but I also thrive in a clutter-free home. I try and live as a minimalist-ish and be more intentional with my purchases and making sure that I am purchasing what I want not for convenience or price but for quality and intent.
I try and keep things tidy as much as I could but I also value my time and if any cleaning doesn’t get done then I’m okay with it and not hard on myself to complete on another day or so.
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See related post: The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Guide
I really wanted a clear mind and focused on cleaning up this time around so I wanted to share the 5 things that really set myself up to switch from Spring to Summer Cleaning.
Is there anything distinct that you do to switch your home from Spring to Summer? I’d love to know in the comments below!
HERE ARE MY 5 Spring to Summer Cleaning Must Do’s:
Flip Mattress
I only learned this one recently but I got this tip from a fellow blogger, Kayleigh Zara and her post on 7 Ways To Prepare Your Home For Summer! I flipped my mattress a few weeks ago and it is a game-changer!
Clean A/C Filters
This is only applicable to people who have A/C! My husband and I invested in our A/C system 2 years ago and it was the best investment for the summer! We don’t like really hot weather and feel uncomfortable at home. The downside is obviously this needs to be put in a smaller room to actually cool.
Ensure that the filters are cleared up before turning it on in the summer!
Wash and Fluff All Cushions
I like washing all my cushion covers and fluffing out all the couch and lawn furniture pillows! Spraying some extra Febreze makes it super fresh too!
Continue reading 5+ Spring to Summer Cleaning Must Do’s….
See related post: Refresh and rejuvenate your bedroom with these easy spring cleaning tips
Door Mats
We have two entrances. One back and front -both with mats. Throughout the Fall/Winter seasons, you’ll accumulate a lot of dirt, leaves and pebbles from your shoes/boots so it’s nice to clear that out and have clean doormats!
Wash Linen Tote Bags
This one is something I often forget but I use tote bags when I go grocery shopping and go for picnics so I forget that I can wash them! They definitely don’t need to be washed that often unless they get dirty quick but a few times a year is nice.
I included it in this list because there are lots of Farmer’s Markets that are opened in the summer and it’ll be great to have clean bags to haul your gorgeous fresh treats and produce in!
This one is a short list but definitely must-have’s to kick into Summer mode! Everyone gets super crazy about Spring cleaning that we often forget about the transition to Summer Cleaning as well!
What do you do for your home for Summer Cleaning?! I’d love to know in the comments below!
This blog post is all the details on 5 Spring to Summer Cleaning Must Do’s.
P.S: If you haven’t read my most recent post, click here!
PIN 5+ Spring to Summer Cleaning Must Do’s FOR LATER:

These are great tips! I definitely need to get better at flipping my mattress ?
I wish my cushions has covers to wash-ive been steam cleaning them and that seems to work ?
Oh! Steam cleaning is wonderful and so satisfying! Thank you for reading, Aislinn x
I work my way through washing pillows, quilt, cushion covers and ironing board cover. ?
Ooh! That’s a good one! The ironing board cover haha Thank you for reading x
I agree with you, these are really mush do’s for Spring cleaning. In my list is also washing windows.
New Post –
Yes! Washing the windows is a good one. Thank you for reading! x
Great list Lynn! I always forget to wash those tote bags! Maybe that will be my big project for the weekend. Thanks for sharing these cleaning tips!
Right! I always forget too! Thank you for reading, Tiffany x
These are great reminders of cleaning to do. Its always good to walk around the house and make sure everything is clean.
That’s a good habit! I need to do that. I often forget some little cleaning tasks. Thank you for reading x
I love these great tips. I really need to wash and fluff my cushions and throw pillows. Now, I am going to get it done.
Thank you so much for stopping by, Deb! x
Definitely the reminder i needed to flip my mattress, so thank you! I absolutely love spring cleaning, there’s something about packing away those winter clothes that is so refreshing to me lol this is a great post.
Happy Spring!
Totally! Thank you so much for reading, Bri! xx
This is a great list Lynn and a good reminder to get going on some Spring cleaning! ! I try to clean the windows and blinds as well as any drapery in the Spring as well! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for reading, Jodie! xx
Love this! Also now reminding me that I really need to do some cleaning!
Molly xx
Thanks so much for reading, Molly xx
Woo, what you said is so helpful for me.
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Thank you! xx
I love these ideas! I definitely need to flip my mattress.
Right! Such a simple tip 🙂 Thanks for reading x
God I wish we had AC filters in the UK to clean! We don’t have AC units in our homes because it doesn’t get hot enough usually but on the freak occasion when we have a heatwave, it is unbearable! Great tips 🙂 x
Haha! Thank you for reading, Jenny xx
Lovely post! I always forget about the couch cushions haha. Thanks for remind me xx
Totally! Such an easy thing to forget! Thank you for stopping by x
I’m such a horrible cleaner. I always feel like I need to do it all at once, so am trying to embrace the idea of cleaning one small area at a time. Cleaning windows and window tracks are a big one on the to-do list. Now that my windows are open to the fresh air it’s easy to notice how dirty they are after winter.
Yup! On the same boat. Thank you for reading, Alison x
I did a massive Spring clean last weekend. I love cleaning and it was my excuse to pull furniture out and give it a really thorough washing!
Amazing! It makes the home feel so fresh after! Thank you for stopping by, Rosie x
These are all great tips Lynn! I am the worse one at cleaning at home so this is a great reminder to start washing all the tote bags and the cushions! I tend to clean only when I am anxious about something, so it doesn’t work that well. Thank you for sharing x
Haha! NO judgement. I am a horrible cleaner too! Thank you for commenting, Cristina x
I love your options. Thanks for sharing such a great post.
Alexandra, Diamond Myths
Thank you for reading! x
These are all brilliant tips, especially about the tote bags! I need to get on that x
Right! Thank you for reading, Della xx
Great tips, flips the mattress is super important
Thanks for sharing
Thank you for reading! x
LOVE LOVE spring summer cleaning it is like a fresh start
shy –
Agreed! Thank you for stopping by x
I need to flip my mattress, it’s just getting the motivation to do that! A great Spring Clean post lovely x
Lucy |
Thanks so much for reading, babe!! xx
Makes me want to do a deep cleaning now! Spring is one of the best seasons and having a spotless home is just the best!
Agreed, thank you for reading, Sara! x
Thank you for reminding me I need to flip my mattress haha! I never do this and yet it would do me a lot of good I think! I would sleep a lot better. Brilliant post! 🙂
Julia x
YES!! I felt sooo much better and my mattress felt more firm! Thank you for stopping by xx
This has reminded me to wash the throw pillows and blankets in our living room. i love a good cleaning & opening up the house & letting the fresh air inside is always so refreshing. thanks for sharing these tips!
It feels so good to get it done! Thank you for reading xx
awesome tips. I would never have thought of cleaning the door mat!
Thank you so much! x
Ohh what lovely tips! I always clean out and re-wash any stored bedding / fabrics that have been in the closet or airing cupboard for a while. My grandma always threw away anything she hadn’t used in the last year!
Thank you so much for reading! x
I’ve never thought of washing my tote bags before but that’s a really great tip <3 x
Right! They do get dirty 🙂 Thanks for stopping by x
Growing up in Texas I ALWAYS had A/C but now in Denmark I don’t & I miss it!
Anyways these are great things to do & I need to flip my mattress & clean the door mat too!
Right! I just Googled the temp in Denmark and it seems fairly cool most times and really cold during January! Definitely wouldn’t have A/C haha Thank you for reading! xx
Even right now in May it’s 44F so it is cooler but during the summer it can get up to the 80s & it would be nice to have A/C haha