Read more for all the details on 5 major things I’m grateful for.
This year has been a whirlwind for me. Thanksgiving is always something I look forward to every year, I even consider it as my favourite holiday! We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year and needless to say, I didn’t have time to post this. It’s Thanksgiving in America this Thursday so why not! I’ve been reflecting back on how much I’ve grown throughout the year and things that I worked on for the benefit of myself and others.
PIN 5 major things I’m grateful for FOR LATER:
I’ve always been in love with life so there are so many things to be grateful for and honestly words cannot describe how I feel sometimes. I love saying affirmations and being thankful daily about my life!
HERE ARE 5 major things I’m grateful for:

I’m thankful for the opportunity to take control of my life and path
I graduated from school last year and in the same year started (and potentially failed depending on your outlook) two businesses, had 5 jobs, got fired from a high stress career, tried a career path I never knew I would take and still was unable to maneuver my life into something that I’m striving for. This was literally all in my control with me seizing to take opportunities as they came!

To continuously educate myself at the tip of my finger
Nowadays, everything more or less can be learnt at the tip of your finger. There are unlimited amounts of tutorials from professionals who are an expert in their careers. I’m thankful that it is within yourself to be who you want to be.

Kindness of strangers
CONTINUE FOR ALL THE DETAILS ON 5 major things I’m grateful for.
I definitely would not be who I am without the kindness of strangers. Although I’ll have to admit, there are still people out there who will bring you down but behind that one person is 20 others who will continuously help you rise and give you the strength to be a better you.

That I found my soulmate to support me
I got married this year to someone who has always supported all of my crazy and impulsive ideas and it’s honestly really made a huge difference in my life. Even if it’s not a partner or spouse, anyone you can run to for support is a great feeling!

The endless amount of plans for the future
If you never let yourself stop dreaming, there is an endless amount of opportunities that life will throw at you. There’s so much hope to better yourself every day, week, year!
These are just a few of the long list of things that I’m grateful for. I have always been thankful for my surroundings both negative and positive and how they’ve built my experience and knowledge. What are you thankful for this year?
Happy (American) Thanksgiving!
This blog post is all the details on 5 major things I’m grateful for.
P.S: If you haven’t read my most recent post, click here!
PIN 5 major things I’m grateful for FOR LATER: